Indian Air Force Recruitment 2019 – Apply Online for Airmen (Group Y – Non Technical) Posts

  • Feb 07, 2019
Location: Madhya Pradesh, IN
Organization Name: Indian Air Force
Employment Type: Full-time

Name of the Post: Indian Air Force Airmen Posts 2019

Post Date: 07-02-2019

Information: Indian Air Force has published the notification for the recruitment of Airmen (Group Y – Non Technical) vacancies (from State of Madhya Pradesh). Qualification required is Intermediate/ 10+2/ Equivalent Examination in any stream/ subjects approved by Central/ State Education Boards with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English. The interested candidates can apply online from 17-02-2019 to 22-02-2019.

Indian Air Force

Airmen (Group Y – Non Technical) Vacancies 2019

Important Dates

  • Recruitment Rally Dates: From 17-02-2019 to 22-02-2019
Vacancy Details
Sl No Post Name Qualification
1 Airmen (Group Y – Non Technical) Intermediate/ 10+2/ Equivalent Examination in any stream/ subjects approved by Central/ State Education Boards with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English.

Selection Procedure

1. Original Educational Certificates (10th passing Certificate and 12th passing Certificate & Marks Sheets) and other required applicable original documents like NCC ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ certificate, Son of serving Air Force Personnel (SOAFP) certificate (or) , Discharge Book, Service Book, Service Particular Certificate/Casualty Service Certificate (or) Discharge Certificate (if discharged from Army/Navy/Government organisation), Consent Form (signed by parents if candidate below 18 years of age) and passport size colour photographs shall be required and scrutinized/verified at the examination venue prior to commencement of Physical Fitness Test to ascertain the eligibility prima-facie. Detailed verification will be carried out later in respect of candidates who pass Physical Fitness Test and subsequently the Written Test.

2. Candidature of those who do not meet the laid down educational criteria shall be rejected during Initial verification of original certificates & mark sheets prior to conduct of Physical Fitness Test and also during detailed verification on clearing the Physical Fitness Test as well as Written Test.

3. The original Passing Certificates / Marks Sheets will not be retained by the Selection Centre. The same will be returned to the candidates on completion of detailed verification.

How to Apply

1. Candidates declared Medically Unfit can avail the option for Appeal Medical Board (AMB) against their Unfitness by depositing Rs. 40/- in a Government Treasury/RBI/SBI through Military Receivable Order (MRO). The application for AMB along with original copy of MRO, photocopy of Unfitness Certificate are to be submitted to the representative of 15 ASC, AF within three working days of Medical examination. AMB Centre will be Air Force Station Gwalior / Air Force Station New Delhi.

2. Candidates are advised to get tartar & stains removed from their teeth before appearing for the medical examination. Ears should be free of wax. Candidates should be prepared to travel / stay for the medical test for four to five days under their own arrangement. No TA/DA shall be admissible.

3. The Provisional Select List (PSL) will be displayed at 15 Airmen Selection Centre, IInd Floor, Phase-II, Rajiv Gandhi Parisar, 35 Shyamala Hills, Bhopal – 462002, Madhya Pradesh on 31 October 2019. Copies of the Display List will also be sent to District Magistrate of Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh (through Airmen Selection Centre) and will also be available at Central Airmen Selection Board webportal The inclusion of names of the candidates in the PSL depends upon the performance of the candidates in the Rally. Inclusion of name in the PSL does not guarantee automatic enrolment.

4. Candidates figuring in the PSL published in respect of ibid Rally and also figuring in one or more PSLs published on the same date, shall be called for enrolment only in any one Group/Trade as per the requirement of IAF. President CASB reserves the right to allocate any Group/Trade for candidates appearing in more than one PSL published on same date.

5. If any such candidate absents himself or expresses unwillingness to join IAF or his candidature gets cancelled due to any reason in the Group/Trade in which he was called for enrolment, then the candidate shall be marked as absent/unwilling/candidature cancelled in all other PSLs published on the same date wherever his name figures.

6. If there is any variation between English & Hindi/any other regional language versions of the advertisement, English version shall to be taken as authentic.

7. Any CORRIGENDUM/CHANGES/UPDATES shall be available ONLY on our webportal and NO INTIMATION SHALL BE GIVEN IN ANY NEWS PAPER/ANY OTHER MEDIA. All candidates are required to see the website of this office from time to time.


Important Links
Notification Click Here
Official Website Click Here


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