Kalyani University Recruitment – Dean, Project Fellow Vacancies – Last Date 21 Dec. 2017

  • Nov 29, 2017
Location: West Bengal, IN
Organization Name: Kalyani University Recruitment
Employment Type: Full-time
Kalyani University
Address:  Kalyani University, Kalyani, West Bengal  741235
Pay scale ( वेतन ) : Pay Band – Rs. 37,400 - 67,000 with a Grade Pay of Rs. 10,000
Educational requirements ( शैक्षिक आवश्यकता ) : i. Uniformly good academic record with a Master’s Degree with minimum 55% marks or its equivalent grade in the point scale wherever a grading system is followed. ii. At least 15 years’ of experience as Sr. Lecturer/ Reader/ Assistant Professor in the AGP of Rs. 7000 and above or with 8 years of service in the AGP of RS. 8000 and above including as Associate Professor along with experience in educational administration in Academic Institutions like University, or in an Institute of Higher Learning of which 5 (five) years must be in a University or in an Institute of Post Graduate Study. OR Comparable experience in research establishments and other Institutions of Higher Learning. OR 15 (Fifteen) years’ administrative experience, of which 8 years shall be as Deputy Registrar or equivalent post.
Desirable qualifications ( वांछनीय योग्यता ) : Expertise in Behavioral Science will get preference.
Age limit ( आयु सीमा ) : Age not less than 40 years
Last date to apply for this job ( अंतिम तारीख ) : 21/12/2017
How to apply ( आवेदन कैसे करे ) : Candidates are requested to send their filled up application form, along with the bank challan receipt copy (Second Copy) and copies of testimonials/certificates duly self attested to “The Registrar, University of Kalyani, P.O. Kalyani, Dist. Nadia, West Bengal, India, Pin-741235” only through Registered/Speed Post. No applications will be entertained by hand delivery. Last date of receiving of application is 28.12.2017. Incomplete applications shall be rejected.
General instructions ( सामान्य निर्देश ) : a) Mentioned minimum qualifications are subject to modification by the UGC/State Government from time to time. b) A relaxation of 5% in the marks may be provided at the Master’s Degree level for the candidates belonging to SC/ST/Differently-abled (Physically as well as Visually) categories for the purpose of eligibility and for assessing good academic record during direct recruitment to the post. The eligibility marks of 55% (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) and relaxation of 5% to the categories mentioned above are permissible, based on only the qualifying marks without including any grace marks and/or rounding off procedures. A relaxation of 5% in the marks may be provided (i.e. from 55% to 50%) to the Ph.D. degree holders, who have obtained their Master’s Degree prior to 19 September, 1991. c) Appointment will be made on probation for one year, which may be waived or extended and will be guided by the rules as framed and / or amended by the University from time to time. d) Fulfillment of minimum qualifications does not guarantee a call for interview. The University reserves the right to decide the number of candidates to be called for interview for a particular post. e) If the qualification possessed by the candidate is equivalent, then which of them and why it has been so treated must be indicated and documents must be produced.
Detail Advertisement : Kalyani University
Official Website : Click Here
Kalyani University Recruitment – Project Fellow Vacancy – Walk In Interview 30 November 2017
Project Fellow
Kalyani University
Project Fellow
Address:  Kalyani University, Kalyani, West Bengal  741235
Pay scale ( वेतन ) : Rs.14000 / -pm + 10% HRA. The fellowship is initially for one year and likely to be extended on satisfactory performance.
Educational requirements ( शैक्षिक आवश्यकता ) : For Science: A minimum of 55% marks in Physics (solid .state/electronics special) For Engineering: 1st class B.E/B.Tech degree
How to apply ( आवेदन कैसे करे ) : Interested candidates are requested to appear in person directly on the specified date and time of the interview with an application of candidature along with one set of biodata, self attested copies of mark sheets, certificates, testimonials. The candidates should also bring the original for verification. NoTA/DA will be paid for appearing the interview.
Detail of job interview: 30/11/2017 at 1.30 pm
Venue of interview: Department of Physics, Kalyani University
Detail Advertisement : Kalyani University
Official Website : Click Here
Kalyani University recruits Project Fellow, Dean Posts. Candidates with BE/B.Tech, Post Graduate can apply.

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