JSACS Recruitment 2019 – Lab Technician & Counsellor Offline Form – 155 Posts

  • Jul 06, 2019
Location: Jharkhand, IN
Organization Name: Jharkhand State Aids Control Society
Employment Type: Full-time

Name of the Post: JSACS Lab Technician & Counsellor Offline Form 2019

Total Vacancy: 155

Information: Jharkhand State Aids Control Society (JSACS) has announced an employment notification for the recruitment of Lab Technician & Counsellor Vacancies. The candidates must possess Diploma/ Degree (MLT), PG (Social Work/ Sociology/ Psychology/ Anthro pology/ Human Development) and DMLT/ B.Sc with experience. Those candidates who are interested in the vacancy & completed all eligibility criteria can Apply till 24-07-2019.

Jharkhand State Aids Control Society (JSACS)

Lab Technician & Counsellor Vacancies 2019


Application Fee

  • Application fee: Rs. 500/-
  • Payment Mode : Through Bank Draft

Important Dates

  • Last Date for Receipt of Application: 24-07-2019

Age Limit

The maximum age limit will be 62 years for all categories.

Vacancy Details
Sl No Post Name Total Qualification
1 Lab Technician (Blood Bank) 8 Diploma/ Degree (MLT)
2 Counsellor (Blood Bank) 3 PG (Social Work/ Sociology/ Psychology/ Anthro pology/ Human Development)
3 Lab Technician (ICTC) 61 DMLT/ B.Sc with experience
4 Counsellor (ICTC) 67 Degree (Relevant Discipline), PG Degree/ Diploma with experience
5 Counsellor (STI) 15

General Instructions

1. The appointment will be purely on contract basis for a period of one (1) year, which may be extended after the annual review of performance, output and desired impacts. However, the contract may be terminated in the case of unsatisfactory service.

2. These are all District level posts.

3. The remuneration will be paid as per NACO norms/ order/guidelines.

4. Request for transfer will not be entertained and subsequently contract may be terminated.

5. The successful candidate will have to sign a contract agreement.

6. The contract shall not confer any right or claim of extension/absorption in the department. The candidate will have to produce an affidavit for the same.

7. Candidature of the applicant is liable to be cancelled if any discrepancy is found in the documents submitted at any stage and legal action will be taken for the same.

8. No TA/DA will be admissible to appear for Written Exam/Interview.

9. The maximum age limit will be 62 years for all categories.

10.The selection of the candidate will be completely on the basis of Requisite Qualification, Requisite Experience and on the basis of merit list prepared after Written Exam/Interview.

11.The Project Director, Jharkhand State AIDS Control Society, Ranchi reserves the right to cancel/postpone the recruitment wholly or partially if so required. No claim will be admissible in case of such cancellation/postponement.

12.The candidates who fulfill the above criteria (Qualification/Experience/Terms of Reference/Age limit etc) may send their application through Registered/Speed Post only (with attested copy of the proof of age, qualification and experience from Gazetted Officer with contact details & email Address) in the prescribed format on the following address. The Project Director Jharkhand State AIDS Control Society, Dept. of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Jharkhand, Sadar Hospital Campus, Purulia Road, Ranchi – 834001

13. Last date of receiving the application is 24/07/2019 till 5:00 pm.

14.The envelop containing the application should be super-scribed as “Application for the Post of ………………………………………….”.

15.Application form received after the last date will not be considered. JSACS will not be responsible for any postal delay. 16.All disputes will subject to jurisdiction of Hon’ble High Court, Jharkhand.

17.Application fee is Rs. 500/- (Rs. Five hundred only) through Bank Draft in favour of Jharkhand State AIDS Control Society, Ranchi.

18.Candidates wish to apply for more than one post will have to submit separate application along with application fee.

Important Links
Notification  Click Here
Official Website Click Here


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