GMCH Chandigarh Recruitment 2018 – Walk in for 30 Senior Resident and Other Posts

  • Oct 16, 2018
Location: Chandigarh, IN
Organization Name: Govt Medical College & Hospital (GMCH), Chandigarh
Employment Type: Full-time

Name of the Post: GMCH Chandigarh Senior Resident & Medical Officer Walk in

Post Date: 16-10-2018

Total Vacancy: 30

Information: Government Medical College & Hospital (GMCH), Chandigarh has declared the notification for the recruitment of Sr Resident, Casualty Medical Officer & Emergency Medical Officer vacancies. Qualification required is PG Medical Degree i.e. (M.D/ M.S/ MDS, D.M/ M.Ch/ DNB), MBBS. The interested candidates can walk in for the interview at 17-10-2018 at 09:30 am. The venue is Office of Director Principal (Room No.210), Level-2 Block-D (Hospital Building), GMCH, Chandigarh.

Govt Medical College & Hospital (GMCH), Chandigarh

Sr Resident, MO Vacancies 2018

Application Fee


  • For SC candidates: Rs. 250/-
  • For Others: Rs. 500/-
  • Payment Mode: Demand Draft
Important Dates


  • Date & Time of Interview: 17-10-2018 at 09:30 am
  • Venue: Office of Director Principal (Room No.210), Level-2 Block-D (Hospital Building), GMCH, Chandigarh.
Age Limit (as on 01-01-2018)


  • For post doctoral degree holders: 37 Years
  • In case of widows, divorced women & Others: 35 Years
  • For members of SC: 40 Years
  • Age Relaxation is applicable as per rules.
 Vacancy Details
 Post Name Total Post Qualification 
Senior Resident 23 PG Medical Degree i.e. (M.D/ M.S/ MDS, D.M/ M.Ch/ DNB)
Casualty Medical Officer 04
Emergency Medical Officer 03 MBBS

Pay Scales for Senior Resident, Casualty Medical Officer & Emergency Medical Officer

(i) Pay scale Rs. 67,700/-(minimum pay 1st Cell of Level-11) as mentioned in the schedule Part A of Pay matrix + Rs. 6,338/- NPA as per Central Government Services (R. Pay) Rules 2016 commuting to old pay scale vide orders of the Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare adopted by the Deptt. of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh Administration vide Endst. No. 7001/1/1 F & PO(7)-2008/8885 dated 23.09.2016. This appointment will not bestow upon them any claim for regular appointment against the post or any other post time

(ii) Pay scale Rs. 10,300-34800 (with initial start of Rs. 13,450/-) + carrying Grade Pay of Rs. 5,000/- + other allowances as admissible from time to time. This appointment will not bestow upon them any claim for regular appointment against the post or any other post.


General Terms & Conditions

(i) Number of Vacancies whether General or Reserve are tentative and can increase or decrease.

(ii) The candidates belonging to their own category only will be considered against the aforesaid vacancies.

(iii) The Candidates already in Government service must route their applications through proper channel and also attach NOC from the present employer, failing which their applications shall not be entertained under any circumstances.

(iv) The persons who have earlier worked in this institute and their services were dispensed with on account of misconduct or otherwise by this institute are not eligible to apply against these posts.

(v) Separate Applications for each post in the prescribed format alongwith Demand Draft and attested copies of educational qualifications, experience, date of birth, character certificate, medical registration certificate with Medical Council of India/ State Medical Council, internship completion certificate, Mark Sheet of MBBS First Prof, Second Prof, Final Prof-Part-I and II, valid Reservation Certificate, No Objection Certificate from the present employer alongwith latest photograph should be submitted; otherwise the candidature will be rejected.

(vi) Incomplete applications/applications received without copies of above mentioned certificates will be rejected.

(vii) Applications submitted in any other format will be rejected.

(viii) The applicants(s) should come with application format duly filled up alongwith photocopies of relevant certificates / testimonials, a recent passport size photograph and non-refundable fee of Rs.500/- {Rs.250/- in case of SC candidate(s)} by means of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Director Principal, GMCH, Chandigarh, payable at Chandigarh on 17.10.2018 at 9.30 AM in the office of undersigned. The applicants must also come with original certificates/testimonials.

(ix) The Walk-in-Interview will be held on 17.10.2018, at 9.30 A.M. in the office of Director Principal (Room No.210), Level-2 Block-D (Hospital Building), GMCH, Chandigarh.

(x) No TA/ DA will be paid for the Walk-in-Interview.

Important Links 
  Notification Click Here
  Official Website Click Here


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