Food Corporation of India Vacancy 2019: Online Application for 330 Manager Posts--Online Link Released

  • Sep 27, 2019
Location: IN
Organization Name: Food Corporation of India
Employment Type: Full-time

Name of the Post: FCI Manager Online Form 2019

Post Date: 27-09-2019

Total Vacancy: 330

Information: Food Corporation of India (FCI)  has published notification for the recruitment of Manager (General/ Depot/ Movement/ Accounts/ Technical/ Civil/ Engineering/ Electrical Mechanical Engineering/ Hindi) vacancies. The candidate should possess Graduate degree or equivalent from recognized University with minimum 60% marks (or)CA/ICWA/CS. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy & completed all eligibility criteria can Apply Online from 28-09-2019.

Food Corporation of India (FCI)

Manager Vacancies 2019

Application Fee
  • Application fee: Rs. 800/-
  • For SC/ ST/ PWBD Candidates: Nil
  • Payment Mode: Debit Cards, Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets, UPI
Important Dates
  • Starting Date to Apply Online: 28-09-2019 at 10:00 Hrs
  • Last Date to Apply Online: 27-10-2019 till 16:00 Hrs
  • Availability of Call letter on website for download: Approximately 10 days prior to announced date of examination
  • Date of Online Test: Tentatively in the month of November/December, 2019
Age Limit (as on 01-08-2019)
  • Age Limit: 28 Years
  • Age Limit for Manager (Hindi): 35 Years
  • Graduate degree or equivalent from recognized University with minimum 60% marks (or)CA/ICWA/CS
Vacancy Details
Zone Wise Post Numbers
North Zone 187
South Zone 65
West Zone 15
East Zone 37
North – East Zone 26


1. No person shall be eligible for initial appointment unless he has attained the age of 18 years.

2. Nationality: A candidate for appointment in the service of the Corporation shall be: i. a Citizen of India, or

ii. a subject of Nepal, or

iii. a subject of Bhutan, or

iv. a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1 st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or

v. a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka and East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda and United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.

Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been given by the Government of India.

3. Candidates should indicate at the designated place in the Application Form whether they belong to any of the Minority Communities notified by Government namely, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jain or Zoroastrians (Parsis).

4. All the posts carry IDA pattern pay scales and usual allowances such as HRA, Leave Travel facilities etc. These scales carry DA on percentage basis. Gross emoluments would vary depending upon place of posting. All appointments will be subject to the Rules and Regulations of the Corporation in- force from time to time. Other benefits like CPF, Gratuity, Leave Travel Concessions, Leave Encashment, Medical-reimbursement, Pension etc., shall be applicable as per the rules of the Corporation as amended from time to time.

5. Management Trainee will undergo training for six months. Only a consolidated stipend will be paid to them at the rate of Rs. 40000/- (Rupees Forty Thousand Only) per month during the training period. They shall also be eligible for reimbursement of Train/Bus fare as per rules. Daily allowance is admissible for visits to field offices and/ or other offices during training. They shall not be reimbursed any lodging charges separately. They will be considered for absorption after successful completion of training and placed on probation in regular IDA scale of pay scale of Rs. 40000-140000/-.

6. The seniority of Management Trainees absorbed as Manager in the services of FCI will be determined by the Order of Merit in which they are finally selected for absorption after successful completion of their training period. They will be posted in any State within the jurisdiction of the Zone against which they are selected. The seniority of the absorbed trainees will be maintained in their respective Zones in the respective cadre from the date of their Induction. However, the period of Training as Management Trainee shall not be counted for the purpose of work experience.

7 . The seniority of Manager (Hindi), appointed in the services of FCI within the Zone will be determined by the order of merit in which they are finally selected for appointment within the zone. They will be posted in any State within the jurisdiction of the Zone against which they are selected. The seniority of the officials will be maintained in their respective Zones in the respective cadre.

8 . The candidates selected as Management Trainee shall execute a bond in prescribed format for Rs. 1,00,000- (Rs. One lakh only) at the time of his/her joining for serving the Corporation for a minimum period of three years.

9. Employees of the Central/State Govt./Public Sector Undertakings and Departmental candidates (FCI Employee) may note that they will have to produce the ‘No Objection Certificate’ from their employer at the time of his/her initial document verification stage at the time of interview.

10. Options should be exercised by the candidates carefully after going through the Advertisement and keeping in view fulfilment of eligibility conditions, educational qualifications, experience etc. prescribed for the posts. OPTION ONCE EXERCISED SHALL BE FINAL AND NO CHANGE WILL BE ALLOWED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES

11. Candidates are not permitted to use calculator and other electronic gadgets. They should not, therefore, bring the same inside the examination premises/venue.

12. The Online test will consist of Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions only except Paper-IV for Manager (Hindi) which will be of subjective type.

13. Discrepancies, if any in question paper may be brought to the notice at within 03 days of holding the examination. Representation received thereafter will not be entertained.

14. At the application stage, the scrutiny of the eligibility, category and other aspects will not be undertaken before issuing call letters for Online Test. However, the fact that the call letter(s) has been issued to the candidate does not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by FCI. FCI would be free to reject any application, at any stage of the process, cancel the candidature of the candidate in case it is detected at any stage that a candidate does not fulfil the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information/certificate/documents or has suppressed any material fact(s). If any of these shortcomings is/are detected after appointment in FCI, his/her services are liable to be summarily terminated.

Important Links
Apply Online Registration | Login
Detailed Notification Click here
Short Notification Click here
Official Website Click here


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