IIMR Recruitment For Project Scientist C (Earth Sciences), Project Scientist B – Thiruvananthapuram

  • Oct 31, 2015
Location: Kerala, IN
Organization Name: IIMR Recruitment For Project Scientist C (Earth Sciences), Project Scientist B
Employment Type: Full-time

Project Scientist-C (Earth Sciences)

Hiring Organisation: Indian Institute of Millets Research

Salary: INR P.B 3; 15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs.5400/-

Address: P.B.No. 7250 Akkulam Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 695011

Education Requirements: Masters degree in any branch of Earth Sciences or equivalent with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade from a recognized university in qualifying degree.

Experience Requirements: Three years experience in research and development in the geophysical data analyses particularly in the EM and MT data supported by scientific publications. Doctorate degree in the respective area will count as three years experience. Experience in handling of MT data, analysis and interpretation.

Desirable Qualifications: Doctorate degree in the relevant subject or area of specialization.

Age Limit: 40 Years

Last Date: 07-November-2015

No Of Post: 01

General Information:

1. Candidates should have a valid e-mail id and mobile number which should be kept active till the declaration of the final result. All communications relating to this advertisement shall be sent by email -id/mobile SMS mentioned by the candidate in the application.

2. The candidate’s age should not exceed the age limit as mentioned above as on date of closure of application.

3. The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC. Relaxation in upper age limit for the disabled, employees of Govt. Organisations, ex-servicemen and Kashmiri Migrants will be as in O.M. No.F.15012/2/2010-ESTT.(D) dated 27.3.2012 of Dept. of Personnel & Training, Government of India.

4. The Secretary, MoES / Chairman, ESSO-NCESS Governing Council may relax the upper age limit for all categories of posts in case of highly experienced candidates in specialized scientific areas.

5. The prescribed essential qualifications are minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for written test/interview.

6. Experience will be counted from the date of acquiring essential academic qualifications. The research/teaching experience relevant to the requirement of job alone will be considered as the total period of experience.

7. The decision of ESSO-NCESS in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications shall be final and no enquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this connection from any individual.

8. Director, ESSO-NCESS reserves the right to cancel the recruitment process without assigning any reason thereof or modify the number of vacancies to be filled under each category.

9. If the number of applications received in response to the advertisement are large, the ESSO-NCESS may restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable limit based on the essential and desirable qualifications/written test/record of academic performance/relevant experience for the post/or any other benchmarks as decided by a committee constituted to screen the applications.

10. The candidates qualified after screening shall be called for a written test or direct Interview as decided by the committee constituted by the ESSO-NCESS.

11. The names of candidates short-listed for written test/interview/walk-in interview as the case may be will be notified in the NCESS website (http//www.cess.res.in) and intimation to this effect will be sent through the email- id furnished by the candidate.

12. The outstation candidates called for interview will be paid to-and-fro second-class rail fare by the shortest route. In case the ESSO-NCESS decides to conduct written test and interview, the candidates should be prepared to stay for 2 days in Thiruvananthapuram. The candidates need to make their own arrangements for their stay in Thiruvananthapuram. ESSO-NCESS will not be responsible for any other arrangements.

13. Canvassing in any form and /or bringing any influence, political or otherwise will be treated as disqualification for the post applied for. No interim correspondence/enquiry will be entertained.

14. The selected candidates are liable to serve anywhere in India and bound to carry out research work/task assigned by the Director/Institute from time to time.

15. Candidates will have to produce the proof of details furnished in their applications, in original, as and when required.

How To Apply:

1. The application will be accepted online (http//www.cess.res.in) only. Applicants are requested to carefully go through the full text of the advertisement and the instructions in particular.

2. To apply, the applicant must fill the online application and upload scanned images of photograph, signature and relevant attested certificates pertaining to educational and professional qualifications mark sheets for all academic years, proof of date of birth, experience certificate, caste certificate, NOC, etc. If the certificates are in a language other than English, attested translation should be uploaded.

3. The photograph and signature should be in .jpg format with the file size limit between 10kb to 100Kb. All certificates should be in .pdf format of each file less than 500 kb.

4. The Candidates should produce the original certificates at the time of written test/ interview. Non-production of the original certificates/ production of original certificates at variance with the online submission details may result in disallowing the candidate from appearing for the written test / interview. No travel reimbursement will be made to such candidates.

5. Candidates currently working in any other organisation should submit the proof of their current employment.

6. Separate application for each Post Code should be filled and POST CODE No. should be mentioned in the application form:

7. In case of difficulty in the submission of online application form (not for other queries), please email to adm.ncess@nic.in

Details will be available at: http://www.incois.gov.in/jobs/NcessVac1115/docs/Final_ncess.pdf

Project Scientist- B (Earth Sciences)

Salary: P.B 3; 15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs.5400/-

Education Requirements: Masters degree in any branch of Earth Sciences or equivalent with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade from a recognized university in qualifying degree.

Experience Requirements:

• Experience in remote sensing and GIS (Post Code 2)

• Experience in mathematical modelling of earth processes (Post Code 3)

• Research experience in coastal oceanographic data collection, processing and interpretation (Post Code 4)

• Research experience in sedimentology and soft sediment geochemistry (Post Code 5).

• Research experience in any of the areas relevant to crustal process research in the ESSO-NCESS (Post Code 6 & 7)

• Experience in analysing Gravity/magnetic and geoid data and interpretation (Post Code 8)

Age Limit: 35 Years

No Of Post: 07

Details will be available at: http://www.incois.gov.in/jobs/NcessVac1115/docs/Final_ncess.pdf

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