Kurukshetra University Recruitment 2019 - 198 Clerk Answer Key Released

  • Apr 10, 2019
Location: Haryana, IN
Organization Name: Kurukshetra University
Employment Type: Full-time

Name of the Post: Kurukshetra University Clerk Answer Key Released

Post Date: 10-04-2019

Latest Update: 30-08-2019

Total Vacancy: 198

Information: Kurukshetra University has declared the notification for the recruitment of Clerk (Budgeted) vacancies. Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details can apply for same posts. Qualification required is Graduation, 10th Class with Hindi or Sanskrit as one of the subject OR 10+2/ B.A/ M.A with Hindi as one of the subjects with typing knowledge. The age limit is required minimum will be 18 years and maximum will be 50 years. The interested candidates can apply online from 09-04-2019.

Kurukshetra University

Clerk Vacancies 2019


Application Fee


  • For General Category (Male of Haryana & other States/ Female of other than Haryana State/ Male & Female of Reserved category of other than Haryana State): Rs.1200/-
  • For Female of General Category of Haryana State Only: Rs.600/-
  • For Male and Female of SC/BC-A/BC-B/EWS Category of Haryana State Only: Rs. 300/-
  • For Male and Female of PWD Category of Haryana State Only: Nill
  • Pay the fee through Online: Net Banking/ Debit/ Creadit Cards
Important Dates


  • Starting Date to Apply Online: 09-04-2019
  • Last Date to Apply Online & Deposit of Online Fee: 15-05-2019 by 11:59 PM
Age Limit 


  • Minimum Age: 18 Years
  • Maximum Age: 50 Years
  • Age relaxation is applicable as per rules


  • Graduation, 10th Class with Hindi or Sanskrit as one of the subject OR 10+2/ B.A/ M.A with Hindi as one of the subjects with typing knowledge
Vacancy Details
Post Name Total
Clerk (Budgeted) 198

Selection Procedure

1. The Merit Points of the candidate will be calculated on the basis of the aggregate marks.

2. It will consist of type test in English on Computer only. The candidate has to qualify the type test as per criteria specified in Section – 1.3 to appear in Phase – II.

3. It will consist of test of Computer Appreciation & Application. The candidate has to qualify the Computer Appreciation & Application Test as per criteria specified in Section – 1.4.

4. It will consist of Aptitude test The candidate has to qualify the Aptitude test as per criteria specified in Section – 1.5.

5. The candidate has to appear for the physical verification of the required Original Educational/Castes certificates/testimonials as per criteria specified in Section – 1.6.

6. Final Merit list of only those candidates will be prepared who will physically appear in Phase-IV and if their original educational/Caste certificates/NOC from present employer, as applicable documents are found in order.

How to Apply

1. Kurukshetra University invites Online Applications from the eligible candidates for recruitment of Clerks on 198 Budget posts. The detailed information of all instructions i.e. eligibility, selection criteria etc. and link of Online applications will be available on University Website www.kuk.ac.in w.e.f. 09.4.2019.

2. Before filling up the online application, candidates are advised to read thoroughly all the Important instructions and information available on the website of Kurukshetra University i.e. www.kuk.ac.in.

3. Candidates are advised to visit only official website of the Kurukshetra University i.e. www.kuk.ac.in and be very careful about fake websites and job racketeers.

4. Candidates are required to have a valid personal active Email ID as all the information regarding recruitment process will be sent on their registered Email ID throughout the process. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal Email ID, he/she should create his/her new Email ID before applying online and must maintain that Email account, throughout the selection process. Candidates must give a valid Mobile number, as all the SMSs during the process will be sent on that Mobile number.

5. Candidates are advised not to change their Mobile number/E-mail ID mentioned at the time of Registration. Candidates are also advised not to give mobile number/Email ID of unknown person/stranger to avoid any future complication. Kurukshetra University shall not be responsible in any manner for non delivery of SMS/E-Mail at any stage either due to switching off of mobile phone or if the same is out of coverage area or is out of order due to some technical fault on the part of candidate or its service provider. It shall be responsibility of the candidate to update himself/herself by visiting the website of Kurukshetra University i.e. www.kuk.ac.in . and by checking his/her E-Mail Account/SMS regularly for important notifications.

7. Kurukshetra University will supervise the complete recruitment process from online application to selection by way of using Biometric process and CCTV Cameras/ Videography etc.

8. No TA/DA shall be paid by the University for appearing in any phase of the Selection Process. 

Important Links
Answer Key Click Here
Skill Test Admit Card Click here
  Skill Test Date Click here
Apply Online Registration | Login
Notification Click here
Official Website Click here


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