HEC Ltd Recruitment 2018 – Apply Online for 150 Trainee Posts

  • Dec 10, 2018
Location: Ranchi, Jharkhand, IN
Organization Name: Heavy Engineering Corporation Limited (HEC Ltd)
Employment Type: Full-time

Name of the Post: HEC Ltd Non-Executive Trainee Posts 2019

Post Date: 10-12-2018

Total Vacancy: 150

Information: Heavy Engineering Corporation Limited (HEC Ltd) has declared the notification for the recruitment of Non-Executive Trainee vacancies. Qualification required is High School/ Matric with ITI or equivalent, Diploma of Engineering, MBA with specialization, B.Tech (IT)/ MCA. The maximum age limit required is 28 years. The interested candidates can apply online from 18-12-2018 (10.00 Hrs).

Heavy Engineering Corporation Limited (HEC Ltd)

Non-Executive Trainee Vacancies 2018


Application Fee

  • For Gen & OBC: Rs. 800/-
  • For SC, ST & PWD: NIL
  • Payment can done through Internet banking/ Debit Card (Visa or Masters)/ Credit Card (Visa or Masters)/ Bank Challan.

Important Dates

  • Starting Date for Apply Online: 18-12-2018 (10.00 Hrs)
  • Last Date to Apply Online: 08-01-2019 (17.00 Hrs)
  • Last date of Remittance of Processing Fee/Charge in Bank (for already registered candidates only): 10-01-2019 (17.00 Hrs)
  • Last date of Submission of Payment details in Online Portal (for registered candidates only): 10-01-2019 (17.00 Hrs)
  • Availability of Call Letter on website / E-mail ID: 10-15 days before the date of test
  • Tentative Date of Test: Will be notified on website

Age Limit (as on 01-12-2018)

  • Maximum Age: 28 Years
  • Age relaxation is admissible as per rules.
Vacancy Details
Sl No Post Name Total Qualification
1 ITI Trainee 65 High School/ Matric with ITI or equivalent
 2 Diploma Engineer Trainee 55 Diploma of Engineering in relevant discipline
3 Personnel Trainee 18 MBA with specialization (Personnel Management/ HR/ Finance or equivalent)
4 Finance Trainee 08
5 IT Trainee 04 B.Tech (IT)/ MCA

Selection Procedure

1. Selection will be on the basis of written test on all India basis followed by Trade Test/Task Observation Test/Aptitude Test of the selected candidates on the basis of their performance in the written test in order of merit in the ratio of 1:5 to the number of Vacancies or as near as to that.

2. Merit List shall be prepared by assigning a weightage of 30% for written test marks and 70% for by Trade Test/Task Observation Test/ Aptitude Test marks of the short listed candidates.

How to Apply

1. Eligible candidates can apply only through online registration system of HEC Ltd. To apply logon to: http://hecltd.com/jobs-at-hec.php The Online Registration is functional from 10.00 Hrs of 18.12.2018 to 17:00 Hrs of 08.01.2019. No other means / mode of application shall be accepted. HEC Ltd. will not be responsible for bouncing back of any email / message sent to the candidates.

2. PHOTOGRAPH: One recent coloured passport size photograph not more than three months old is to be scanned and uploaded in the space earmarked in the on-line application. The Photograph should be in JPG or JPEG format. The Size of the photograph should be between 20KB to 50KB.

3. SIGNATURE: Signature (in Black ink) against white background is to be scanned and uploaded in the space earmarked in the on-line application. Candidates must ensure the signature uploaded is maintained as same at all places viz. signature up-loaded, appended on Undertaking, verification stage, etc. If any variation is found between the signatures, the candidature is liable to be cancelled. Candidate is advised to confirm his / her uploaded signature is clearly visible / identifiable at the appropriate place. The signature should be minimum 200 dpi (dots per inch) and in JPG or JPEG format. The Size of the signature should be between 10KB to 20KB.

4. Once candidate submit their data Online, System will display a unique Payment Reference Number and a link for making Payment of Processing Fee. Candidates have to click on that link and make the payment of processing fee.

5. While making the payment, System will again ask the details of Name, Mobile No. etc. and Payment Reference Number which was generated at the time of applying online. After making Processing Fee, System will generate a Registration Slip having unique Registration Number. Candidates should save it and/or take its printout and keep it in safe custody.

6. Candidate who wish to make the payment later on should click on the link: “Login – For Registered candidates” given on main page to: Reprint Registration Slip / To submit the Bank details and generate Registration Slip / To make the Payment of Processing Fee if provisionally Registered. This information will be asked only at ONE time for completing the Application, and after that a candidate can generate and take the print of Registration Slip again (if required).

7. It is mandatory to submit the details of SBI Collect Reference Number (10 digit alphanumeric reference number starting with DUxxxxxxxx) printed on e-receipt and deposit dates again in online portal by login through Payment Reference Number after making the payment. If a candidate fails to submit these details within due date after making the payment, his/her application shall be treated as incomplete and summarily be rejected.

8. Candidates should check that their Signature and Photograph are uploaded in the designated places in format before final submission of application.

9. All information regarding this advertisement will be made available on the website: http://www.hecltd.com and no separate communication shall be made. Candidates must remain in constant touch with website http://www.hecltd.com for information regarding dates of written test/interview, downloading of call letter, result of written test/interview etc.

10. Applicants can send their Query related to this advertisement to email Id: recruitment@hecltd.com

Important Links
  Apply Online Available from 18-12-2018
 Notification Click Here
  Official Website Click Here


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