TNPSC Vacancy 2019 – Online Application for 1141 Veterinary Asst Surgeon Post Exam Call Letter Download

  • Nov 18, 2019
Location: Tamil Nadu, IN
Organization Name: Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
Employment Type: Full-time

Name of the Post: TNPSC Veterinary Asst Surgeon Admit card

Post Date: 18-11-2019

Total Vacancy: 1141

Information: Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) has given an employment notification for the Recruitment of Veterinary Assistant Surgeon Vacancies. The qualification required is B.V.Sc Degree (now known as B.V.Sc. & A.H) and Must have passed Tamil as one of the languages in Higher Secondary Public Examination or its equivalent. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy & completed all eligibility criteria can Apply Online from 18-11-2019.

Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC)

Advt No: 32/2019

Veterinary Asst Surgeon Vacancies 2019

Application Fee
  • Registration Fee: Rs. 150/-
  • Examination Fee: Rs. 200/-
  • For SC/ ST/ PWD: NIL
  • Payment Mode: Online/ Offline
Important Dates
  • Date of Notification: 18-11-2019
  • Last Date to Apply Online: 17-12-2019
  • Last Date for payment of Fee (Online): 19-12-2019
  • Date of Written Examination: 23-02-2020 (Paper I & II)
Age Limit (as on 01-07-2019)
  • Others: Should not have completed 30 Years
  • SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/ DCs, BCs, BCMs and Destitute Widows of all categories: No Age Limit
  • Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.
  • B.V.Sc Degree (now known as B.V.Sc. & A.H) and
  • Must have passed Tamil as one of the languages in Higher Secondary Public Examination or its equivalent.
Vacancy Details
Post Name Total
Veterinary Assistant Surgeon (Post Code No. 1695) 176


(A) The rule of reservation of appoints is applicable to this post.

(B) In G.O.(Ms.) No.145, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (S) Department, dated 30.09.2010 and G.O.(Ms.) No.40, Personnel and Administrative Reforms(S) Department dated 30.04.2014, the government have issued orders to fill 20% of all vacancies in direct recruitment on preferential basis with persons who have studied the prescribed qualification in Tamil Medium. The 20% reservation of vacancies on preferential allotment to Persons Studied in Tamil Medium (PSTM) will apply to this recruitment. (Applicants claiming this reservation should have joined and studied the prescribed qualification in Tamil Medium and should have the certificate for the same. Having written the university examinations in Tamil language alone will not qualify the candidate to claim this reservation. 

(C) The selection for appointment to the said post is purely provisional subject to the final orders in the writ petitions, if any, pending on the files of the Hon‟ble High Court of Madras and its Madurai Bench.

(D)With respect to the said post, as per Sections 26 and 27(c) of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016, reservation of appointment to “Destitute Widows” and “Ex-servicemen” will not apply.

(E) DIFFERENTLY ABLED PERSONS (DAP): 4% reservation for Differently Abled Persons will be applicable as per G.O.(Ms.) No.20, Welfare of Differently Abled Persons (DAP 3.2) Department, dated 20.06.2018. However, the applications of DAPs will be accepted subject to the orders to be issued by the Government.

(F) Differently Abled Persons should submit / upload a copy of Differently Abled Certificate obtained from the competent authority specifying the nature of physical handicap, the degree of disability as instructed in para. 14(b) of the “Instructions to Applicants when called for by the Commission.

(Section 20 (5) of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016)

(G) Any claim made after the submission of online application will not be entertained. Evidence for all the claims made in the online application should be uploaded / submitted in time when the same are called for. Failure to upload / submit the documents within the stipulated time limit will entail rejection of application.

(H)Correct and true information regarding arrest, convictions, criminal or any disciplinary proceedings initiated / pending or finalised, debarment / disqualification by any recruiting agency, participation in agitation or any political organisation, candidature in election for Parliament / State Legislature / Local Bodies etc, if any, should also be furnished to the Commission at the time of application. The details thereof, i.e. originals of the judgement / order / G.O. dropping further action in the departmental proceedings or any document that may prove the suitability of such applicants for appointment in such cases must be produced at the stage / time of certificate verification without fail. All such events that occur after the submission of application and till the date of his / her selection and appointment shall be reported to the Commission forthwith. Failure to report on the part of the applicant will be considered as suppression of material information and will attract suitable penal action.

(I) Incomplete applications and applications containing wrong claims or incorrect particulars relating to category of reservation / eligibility / age / communal category / educational qualification / medium of instruction / physical qualification / other basic qualifications and other basic eligibility criteria will be liable for rejection.

(J) One Time Registration is not an application for any post / recruitment. Though the details/particulars have already been furnished by the applicants under One Time Registration system, the claims made in the online application for this recruitment alone will be taken into consideration. The Commission will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of furnishing of incorrect and incomplete details in the application or omission to provide the required details in the application for this recruitment.

(K) Refer Annexure-I of this notification regarding determination of community and reservation in employment for third gender.

Important Links
Admit Card Click Here
Apply Online Click Here
Notification Click Here
Official Website Click Here


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