PPSC Recruitment 2017 Notice 45 Asst District Attorney Job Notice

  • Nov 04, 2017
Location: Patiala, Punjab, IN
Organization Name: PPSC Recruitment 2017 Notice 45 Asst District Attorney Job Notice
Employment Type: Full-time
PPSC Recruitment 2017
Punjab Public Service Commission has published a job notice for appointing 45 candidates through PPSC Recruitment 2017 at Asst District Attorney Posts. Contender interested and fulfilling the requirement may apply for the given post online before the last date.
Job seeker interested in PPSC job notification shall read further about the given condition such as education qualification, age limit etc. to get through selection process via steps of applying. Here on this page of allgovtjobs.in contender shall find all quick points of concern given in official notification to know before applying.
Name OF Organization: Punjab Public Service Commission
Name OF Post: Asst District Attorney
Number OF Post: 45 posts
Last date to apply online: 20th November 2017
PPSC Vacancy Educational Eligibility:
The candidate shall acquire knowledge from bachelor’s degree in law or its equivalent qualification from a government recognized university or educational institute to be the part of the organization.
Age Limitation:
Contender should be between 18 to 37 years of age to be able for applying for the same, although the contender from non-creamy layer shall have some relaxation in said upper age limit.
Selection Process:
Aspirant shall be selected through a written exam organized by PPSC following the interview of the shortlisted contenders.
Salary Details:
Candidates will get the salary of Rs. 10300-34800/- with grade pay of Rs. 4800/- per month for the applied posts.
Steps To Apply:
To apply online contender need to visit the official website that is “ppsc.gov.in”
After landing the official page follow “Open advertisement” link to get through official notification.
Read and apply online accordingly after giving all mandatory details in the official form required along with scanned copies of photo and educational documents.
Now Take the hard copy of the filled application form and other documents and send it to below given postal address.
Postal Address:
Punjab Public Service Commission,
Baradari Garden, Patiala-147001
Important Date:
Closing Date To Apply Online Application: 11th November 2017
End Date for Paying Application Fee: 28th November 2017
Last date for Receipt of Application Form: 05th December 2017

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