OSCSC Recruitment- Company Secretary Vacancy – Last Date 10 March 2016

  • Feb 29, 2016
Location: Orissa, IN
Organization Name: OSCSC Recruitment- Company Secretary Vacancy
Employment Type: Full-time

Company Secretary

Odisha State Civil Supplies Corporation Limited (OSCSC)

Address: C/2, Nilakantha Nagar, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar,Odisha  751012

Pay Scale: Rs.15,600- 39,100/- G.P.- Rs.6600/-

Desirable Qualifications: Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, New Delhi, with specified years of experience in public sector undertakings. Such of those who are also Chartered Accountants or have a degree in Law may be preferred.

No of Post: 01

Age Limit: The candidate should not be less than 21 years of age and 35 years of age inclusive of three years work experience in Private/ Govt./ PSU sector as on 1st of March’2016 for all categories including women, SC, ST and physically challenged applicants.
Last Date: 03/10/2016

How to Apply: The completed application should reach the Managing Director, Odisha State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd., C/2, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar-751012 within 15 days of publication of this advertisement. Incomplete applications and application received after the stipulated time will not be taken into consideration. Canvassing in any form will be considered as a disqualification. The Odisha State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd. reserves the right for modification/cancellation of the advertisement without assigning any reason thereof. This advertisement is also available in the website www.foododisha.in and www.oscsc.in .

General Instructions: The recruitment examination shall consist of written and viva-voce test with 80% and 20% weightage respectively. The merit list of the selected candidates shall be prepared on the basis of the total marks secured by him/her in all two tests. Shortlisted candidates will be called for interview at Odisha State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd., Bhubaneswar. The date of the interview will be informed to the shortlisted candidates by post/email. Persons employed with Private/ Govt./ PSU sector shall apply through proper channel and shall produce a “No Objection Certificate” from their employers at the time of interview. The Odisha State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd. reserves the right to shortlist candidates for interview. No correspondence in this connection shall be entertained. Examination Fee: The candidate is required to send a non-refundable Demand Draft of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred) only drawn in favour of “Managing Director, Odisha State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd.” payable at Bhubaneswar along with application form.

Details will be available at: http://oscsc.in/doc/2015/advt%20of%20Company%20Secretary.pdf

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