CSMCRI Recruitment 2016 – Project Assistant II Vacancy – Last Date 15 April

  • Apr 11, 2016
Location: Gujarat, IN
Organization Name: CSMCRI Recruitment 2016
Employment Type: Full-time

Central Salt And Marine Chemicals Research Institute

Project Assistant

Address: Gijubhai Badheka Marg, Bhavnagar, Gujarat 364002

Pay Scale (Salary): Rs. 8,000/- pm (consolidated); after one year Rs. 10,000/- pm

Educational Requirements: B. Pharm. with 55%

Age Limit: Maximum 25 years as on the date of interview.

How to Apply in Central Salt And Marine Chemicals Research Institute: Interested candidates are requested to appear before the Selection Committee for written / interview on 15th April 2016 at 9.00 am in this Institute. You are requested to bring with you an application on plain paper giving full particulars such as (1) Full name and postal address with e-mail and Ph. No., (2) Date of birth and (3) Educational qualifications and experience (if any) together with the Xerox copies of certificates/ testimonials. You are also requested to bring with you the following documents:

1. Original Certificates(s), Marksheet(s) (Degree/Diploma, etc.) of the educational qualifications, certificate in support of the date of birth etc. mentioned by you in your application.

2. Original Experience Certificates, Testimonials etc.

3. In case you are employed in a Government/Semi-Government or Autonomous Organization, you should bring with you a No Objection Certificate from your present employer. Otherwise, you will have to give a declaration that at present you are un-employed. Specific queries, if any, may be addressed to smc@csmcri.org These posts are purely temporary for duration of project. It would, therefore, not confer any right/claim implicit or explicit for any candidate for claiming extension or absorption in CSMCRI/CSIR. No TA/DA will be given to attend the interview.

Detail Of Job Interview: 15th April 2016

Job Details for Central Salt And Marine Chemicals Research Institute Will Be Available At: http://www.csmcri.org/Pages/Jobs/Job_Details.php?Job_ID=389&Post=Project%20Assistant%20Level%20I

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