Cochin Shipyard Ltd Recruitment 2020 Online Application for 139 Graduate & Technician Apprentice Posts

  • Aug 19, 2020
Location: Kochi, Kerala, IN
Organization Name: Cochin Shipyard Ltd
Employment Type: Full-time

Name of the Post: Cochin Shipyard Ltd Graduate & Technician Apprentice Online Form 2020

Post Date: 19-08-2020

Total Vacancy: 139

Information: Cochin Shipyard Limited has given notification for the recruitment of Graduate & Technician (Diploma) Apprentice vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should possess Degree (Engg) and Diploma (Engg). Age limit will be followed as per Apprenticeship Rules. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 08/09/2020.

Cochin Shipyard Ltd

Graduate & Technician Apprentice Vacancies 2020

Important Dates

  • Starting Date to Apply Online: 19-08-2020
  • Last Date to Apply Online: 08-09-2020
Vacancy Details
Sl No Post Name Total Qualification
1 Graduate Apprentice 67 Degree (Engg)
2 Technician (Diploma) Apprentice 72 Diploma (Engg)
Interested Candidates Can Read the Full Notification Before Apply Online
Important Links


A. Candidates are first required to register in the web portal of NATS (National Apprenticeship Training Scheme) using the link given below for enrollment/registration as apprentices.!registermenunew.action Procedure for student enrollment as Apprentice in NATS Portal may be seen at Annexure-I given along with this advertisement.

B. After completing enrollment/registration as Apprentices, the candidates have to apply online through NATS portal against seats notified by CSL (ID No./Registration Number of COCHIN SHIPYARD LIMITED in NATS Portal is SKLERC000007). Procedure to apply for Apprenticeship training in CSL may be seen at Annexure-II given along with this advertisement.

C. In case of any issues/queries related to NATS portal, you may please contact Board of Apprenticeship Training (BOAT), Southern Region, Chennai, as the NATS portal is instituted by BOAT. The contact details of BOAT, Southern Region are available in the website .

XIII. General

(i) Candidates are advised to make sure that they are meeting the eligibility requirements as per the vacancy notification for the posts before submitting the applications.

(ii) Shipyard reserves the right to call for any additional documentary evidence from applicants in support of educational qualification / experience / other notified eligibility requirements as indicated in their online application, and information / replies to such queries should be only through the e-mail However, Cochin Shipyard shall not be responsible for any delay/non-receipt of such e-mails within the stipulated date and time. Replies to any such queries received after the stipulated date and time shall not be considered, and no further correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.

(iii) No correspondence regarding the rejection of application in case of ineligibility shall be entertained.

(iv) Call letters shall not be sent to short-listed candidates by post. They shall be informed by e-mail/SMS/through CSL website to download call letter. Schedule of the selection shall be intimated to the short-listed candidates through SMS/ E-mail/CSL website (Careers page).

(v) Mere submission of application through NATS portal and issue of call letter shall not confer any right to the applicant of acceptance of candidature or cannot be construed as an acknowledgement of fulfilling the eligibility criterion.

(vi) Appointment of selected candidates will be subject to verification of character and antecedents and verification of caste certificates if applicable.

(vii) Upon completion of the Apprenticeship period, CSL shall have no obligation to offer employment to such apprentices nor can an apprentice claim right for employment on the grounds of completion of Apprenticeship.

(viii) Rank lists shall be maintained for the seats and shall be operated only in the event of occurrence of a vacancy caused by non-joining of a candidate from the rank list within the date of joining as stipulated in the offer of training issued to the candidate, OR, where a candidate joins for Apprenticeship training and in the event of separation of a person on account of death or resignation during the period of three months from the date of joining in CSL. The validity period of the rank list shall be upto three months from date of publication of results or date of joining as stipulated in the offer of training issued to the candidates, whichever is earlier, unless a fresh notification for the same seat is issued. Vacancy which arose as stated above shall not be treated as a fresh vacancy and the actual number of seats filled up against this notification shall under no circumstances exceed the number of vacancies indicated in this notification.

(ix) Notwithstanding the above or any other conditions, CSL reserves the right not to fill up the vacancies notified. Further, the filling up of the notified vacancies shall be subject to the suitability of candidates in the rank list, availability of projects and job requirements. CSL reserves the right to restrict/ alter/cancel/modify the recruitment process, if need so arises without notice or assigning any reason thereof.

(x) If at any stage it is found that any information furnished is false/ incorrect or the candidate does not satisfy the eligibility criteria, the candidature/appointment is liable to be cancelled/ rejected.

(xi) Any legal proceedings in respect of any claim or dispute arising out of this advertisement and/or an application in response thereto can be instituted only in the Courts/Tribunals/Forums at Ernakulam and such Courts/Authorities shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction.

(xii) Any amendment, modification or addition to this advertisement will be given our CSL website only.

(xiii) For any further clarification, please contact us via e-mail

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