CMFRI Recruitment – Media Consultant Vacancy – Last Date 5 January 2018`

  • Jan 02, 2018
Location: Kerala, IN
Organization Name: CMFRI Recruitment
Employment Type: Full-time
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI)
Media Consultant
Address:  Behind High Court of Kerala, P.B. No. 1603, Cochin , Kerala   682 016
Pay scale ( वेतन ) : Rs. 50,000/- per month (Consolidated pay
Educational requirements ( शैक्षिक आवश्यकता ) : Master’s degree with at least 55% of marks or its equivalent grade of ‘B’ grade in UGC 7 point scale in the ‘Communication and Journalism
Experience requirements ( अनुभव ) : Six years of experience in the field of Journalism/Public Relations or media liaison in any Universities/Research Institute other govt. organizations/private organizations. Preference will be given to Ex-service persons
No of vacancies ( रिक्तियों की संख्या ) : 01
Age limit ( आयु सीमा ) : Minimum 21 years and Maximum 40 years
Last date to apply for this job ( अंतिम तारीख ) : 05/01/2018
How to apply ( आवेदन कैसे करे ) : Candidates are advised to mail their resume and self-appraisal statement with regard to the post to on or before 5th January 2018 for screening. Shortlisted candidates should report at 10.00 AM on 15.06.2017 and are requested to bring their original certificates along with a set of attested copies of certificates at the time of interview.
General instructions ( सामान्य निर्देश ) : 1. Only those who receive interview call need to attend the interview 2. The allotted candidates need to enter into direct contract (by signing an agreement in nonjudicial stamp paper worth Rs. 100/- as per the agreement enclosed as Annexure-1). 3. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
Detail of job interview: 10.01.2018, 11.00 AM
Venue of interview: Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute Behind High Court of Kerala, P.B. No. 1603, Cochin – 682 016
Official Website : Click Here
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) recruits Media Consultant Posts. Candidates with Post Graduate experienced can apply.

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