IIMR Recruitment 2019 – Walk in for 05 SRF, Technical Assistant and Project Coordinator Posts

  • Apr 23, 2019
Location: Hyderabad, Telangana, IN
Organization Name: Indian Institute of Millets Research (IIMR)
Employment Type: Full-time

Name of the Post: IIMR Senior Research Fellow, Technical Asst & Project Coordinator Walkin 2019

Post Date: 23-04-2019

Total Vacancy: 05

Information: ICAR- Indian Institute of Millets Research (IIMR) has declared the notification for the recruitment of Senior Research Fellow, Technical Asst & Project Coordinator vacancies. Qualification required is Master Degree (Relevant Discipline) with NET, Diploma/ Graduation. The interested candidates can walk in for the interview at 10-05-2019 at 10:30 AM.

Indian Institute of Millets Research (IIMR)

 SRF, Technical Asst & Project Coordinator Vacancies 2019


Important Dates


  • Date of Walk-in Interview: 10-05-2019 at 10:30 AM
Age Limit (as on 01-04-2019)


  • Maximum Age for Men: 35 Years
  • Maximum Age for Women: 40 Years
  • Age relaxation is applicable as per rules
Vacancy Details
Post Name Total Qualification
Senior Research Fellow 01 Master Degree (Relevant Discipline) with NET
Technical Asst 02 Diploma/ Graduation
Project Coordinator- 1 01 Master Degree/ Equivalent OGPA with NET/ GATE
Project Coordinator- 2 01 B.Com with MBA in HRD & Marketing

Terms & Conditions

1. The above posts are purely temporary and on contractual basis.

2. The candidates shall submit applications at the time of interview in the proforma enclosed along with a passport size photograph and a set of self attested copies.

3. The candidates have to produce all the original certificates at the time of interview for verification of requisite mark-sheet, certificates and supporting documents.

4. NO TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

5. The age limit as on 1st.

6. The selected candidates shall not claim for regular appointment / absorption in IIMR or funding agency at the end of the project. April, 2019 is up to 35 years for men and 40 years for women. The relaxation in upper age limit is permissible in case of SC/ST/OBC candidates as per rules.

7. Report for registration from 09:30 A.M to 10: 30 A.M on the date of interview.

8. The decision of the Director, IIMR is final and binding in all respects.

9. Canvassing in any form will lead to cancellation of candidature.

10. Eligible and interested candidates are invited for a walk-in-interview at the Indian Institute of Millets Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500030 on 10.05.2019 at 10:30 A.M for the recruitment of SRF/Technical Assistant/Project Coordinators I & II position under the projects “FPO & FFP”. Please see our website www.millets.res.in for further details. The eligible candidates are requested to report between09.30 AM hrs to 10.30 AM hrs.

Important Links
Notification Click here
Official Website Click here 


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